Travel vaccinations are no longer provided by GP practices. These are provided by NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde at their dedicated vaccination centre. From 17th March 2025 this clinic will be located at:
Parkview Resource Centre
152 Wellshot Road
G32 7AX
Their telephone number is 0800 917 6115.
Alternativly you can contact them by email -
NHS GGC patients travelling abroad are advised to check Fit for Travel prior to contacting the above number.
NHS GGC Travel Health Service will appoint the patient for a Travel Health Risk Assessment, advice and any vaccinations required will be given. There are 4 Travel Vaccinations available as part of NHS provision:
· Typhoid
· Hepatitis A
· Cholera
Any other Vaccinations will incur a fee and patients will be advised where this service can be accessed. We ask that where possible patients give as much notice as possible for travel vaccinations.
All information on travel health can be found on NHS GGC Overseas Travel webpage and can be found here: Overseas Travel Vaccinations - NHSGGC